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Idacio (Adalimumab)

Prescription Required Cold Shipment This product is shipped in an insulated container with medical-grade ice packs.

Our Price: $1,484.50

Average USA Price: $6,561.00

Idacio - 40mg/0.8ml

4-10 Day US Delivery

Ships from Canada

Brand Name Product

SKU: DP-16972 Category:

How To Order Idacio

Step 1

Place Your Prescribed Idacio Dosage In Your Cart

Step 2

Complete Checkout

Step 3

Upload Your Idacio Prescription

(Shipping takes approximately 4-10 business days. A tracking number will be provided)

Labeled Warning With Idacio

Labeled Warning With Idacio

Idacio carries the risk of serious infections, including tuberculosis, bacterial sepsis, invasive fungal infections, and infections due to other opportunistic pathogens. Patients should be tested for latent TB before and during therapy. The medication may also elevate the risk of malignancies, such as lymphoma and other cancers, particularly in pediatric patients.

Idacio Precautions

Idacio Precautions

You may be less likely to be able to fight an infection if you take this medication. As a result, fungal infections and bacterial infections, including tuberculosis, may be very serious (possibly fatal). If you have had a recent or past infection, tell your doctor about it. Similarly, you should tell your doctor if you have lived or traveled in an area where certain fungal infections (such as coccidioidomycosis histoplasmosis) are common. The Ohio and Mississippi River valleys and the southwestern United States are areas where these types of fungal infections are frequently found. In case of infection, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, if you are taking fungal medications, such as Jublia, be sure to tell your doctor before they prescribe Idacio.

A tuberculosis (TB) test will be performed by your doctor before and during this treatment. If you are diagnosed with TB, your doctor will first prescribe treatment for this to prevent a severe TB infection while using adalimumab.

This medication (especially in children/teens/young adults) or your medical condition may increase the risk of developing cancer (such as lymphoma skin cancer). Consult your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment. If you develop symptoms such as persistent fever, unusual lumps or growths, swollen glands, unexplained weight loss, or night sweats, please get in touch with your doctor immediately.



Usually given every two weeks, Idacio is injected under the skin in a vial, prefilled syringe, or pen (similar the way insulin is administered). The dose and frequency of injections depend on the condition being treated, and their weight usually determines a child’s dose. Patients or their caregivers can inject Idacio after receiving training from their doctor.

The use of Idacio requires a prescription, and it must be prescribed by a doctor who has experience treating the diseases for which Idacio is prescribed. Those treating uveitis should also seek advice from doctors who have used adalimumab.

Idacio Side Effects

Idacio Side Effects

Based on the safety evaluation conducted, all the studies carried out on Idacio suggest it has similar side effects to the reference medicine Humira. Infections (including those in the nose, throat, and sinuses), injection site reactions (redness, itching, bleeding, pain, or swelling), headaches, and muscle and bone pain are adalimumab’s most common side effects.

Adalimumab has caused serious infections and blood cancers in patients who have taken Idacio and other medicines of its class.

Adalimumab also has severe rare side effects (up to one in 1,000 people may be affected). They include failure of bone marrow to produce blood cells, nerve disorders, lupus, and lupus-like conditions (a condition in which a patient’s immune system attacks their tissues, resulting in inflammation and organ damage), life-threatening reaction with flu-like symptoms and painful skin, mouth, eyes, and genitals).

Idacio is not recommended for patients with active tuberculosis, other severe infections, or those suffering from moderate to severe heart failure (insufficient blood flow around the body).

Drug Interactions With Idacio

Drug Interactions With Idacio

Certain medications and supplements may interact with Idacio (adalimumab). Please let your doctor and pharmacist know if you are taking other medications or supplements, vitamins, dietary or herbal supplements). Idacio (adalimumab) may interact with other drugs not listed below. Below are only the generic names of each medication.

Using this medicine with any mentioned medicines is not recommended, but it may be necessary sometimes. If prescribed, your doctor may change the dosage or frequency of either or both medicines.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us and we will be sure one our licensed pharmacists will reach out to you.

Please note this list does not show every interaction known with Idacio. 

  • Abatacept
  • Vaccine against Adenovirus
  • Anakinra
  • Live Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin Vaccine
  • Vaccine for Cholera, Live
  • Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine, Live
  • Infliximab
  • Live Influenza Virus Vaccine
  • Vaccine against the measles virus, live
  • Live Mumps Virus Vaccine
  • Live Poliovirus Vaccine
  • Rilonacept
  • Live Rotavirus Vaccine
  • Live Rubella Virus Vaccine
  • Vaccine against smallpox
  • Tofacitinib
  • Live Typhoid Vaccine
  • Live Varicella Virus Vaccine
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine
  • Zoster Vaccine, Live
Idacio Clinical Studies

Idacio Clinical Studies

Clinical studies comparing Idacio with Humira have revealed that Idacio’s active substance is structurally, puristically, and biologically similar to Humira’s. According to studies, the body produces identical levels of the active substance in response to Idacio as it does to Humira.

Idacio was also found to be as effective as Humira in controlling plaque psoriasis in a study of 443 patients. Psoriasis symptoms were reduced by at least 75% in 90% of those treated with Idacio and 92% of those treated with Humira after 16 weeks of injections under the skin.

As a biosimilar medicine, Idacio can repeat some of the studies with Humira on adalimumab effectiveness and safety.



Idacio is not known to harm unborn children. You should tell your doctor if you plan to become pregnant or if you are pregnant.

Pregnant women should tell their doctor if they used Idacio during pregnancy. The vaccination schedule for your baby may be affected.If you use this medicine while breastfeeding, ask your doctor if it is safe.

Missed Dose

Missed Dose

Put your Idacio (adalimumab) dose dates on your calendar to remember to take them. Take your next dose at your regularly scheduled time as soon as possible if you forgot to take your dose.

Idacio Cost &Amp; Coupons

Idacio Cost & Coupons

Compared to the name-brand version, Humira, Idacio (adalimumab) is significantly less expensive. Humira is one of the most costly medications in the United States, and patients can find cheaper alternatives, such as Idacio.

If this is your first time buying Idacio online from Insulin Outlet, take advantage of the 10% off code: welcome10.


Our Guarantee for Buying Idacio

At Insulin Outlet, we ensure the safety and quality of our medications, meeting all federal legislation standards. Your order will be dispatched from a reputable licensed Canadian pharmacy, guaranteeing the highest standards of reliability and authenticity. This medication has been approved by Health Canada (Canada's FDA) and is identical to what you would receive in the US, only with Canadian labeling and packaging. We do not sell counterfeit or unauthorized medications. Our discounted medications are shipped directly from Canada to your doorstep, providing a fast and secure delivery experience. To conveniently buy Idacio online at a significant discount, place your order above or call us at 1-888-238-0872.



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